St. Stephen’s Home Based Religious Education Programs | ||
Here at St. Stephen’s Parish, we are very blessed to have a home-based Religious Education Program offered to our children from kindergarten to level one. This program gives families an opportunity to share the Catholic faith, experience a faith community, and witness the Good News of Jesus Christ to others. The program is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church.
This is an opportunity to bring families together to share their faith and to become part of a faith community. To empower the family by being a witness to the Good News and to pass on the Catholic teaching of the Church. Since the Catholic Religion is no longer taught in the regular school system; the parish and the family work together to share and experience the faith. Programs are available for ages 5-16 years. This includes preparation for the sacraments of First Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation at the appropriate age. Please see below for more information. Diocesan Guidelines for Catechetical Formation and Sacramental Preparation: In consultation with the Priests, Directors of Parish Life, and Parish Catechists of the diocese the following guidelines have been promulgated to take effect as of September 2016: Catechetical Curriculum: Each family follows a three-tier approach; attending weekly mass, meet as a faith community once a month, and completing the program at home. In our parish, preparation for Confirmation involves two years. There is a pre-confirmation program (for mostly grade Sevens) in the first year of preparation and a Confirmation program (mostly for grade eight) during the second year. Each year involves about eight sessions. At the end of the second year, Confirmation candidates will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass Celebration. | ||
Registration Form for Religious Education | Registration Form for Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation | Baptism Application - St. Stephen's Parish |