History of St.Stephen’s Parish
bulletKnights of ColumbusBob Miller, 4thDegree Associate
bulletKnights of ColumbusClyde Russell, Grand Knight
bulletSt.Anne's GuildMillicent Penton, President
bulletSt.Vincent De PaulCecilia Burke, President
bulletSt.Stephen's Parish CouncilDebbie Wilton, Chairperson.

Regular meetings of the Parish Council are held on the third Wednesday of the month except July and August. Parishioners wishing to voice their comments or views to the parish council are advised they may do so by contacting any member of the council.
bulletBereavement CommitteeContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletBuilding & Maintenance CommitteeLeon Benoit
bulletFinance ChairRosa Dollard
bulletDevelopment & Peace CommitteeJohn Hanratty
bulletLiturgical CommitteeBernice Maddox
bulletHospitality CommitteeContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletMinistry to the SickContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletFaith DevelopmentPeggy Snow
bulletReligious ArticlesContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletBaptism Preparation TeamContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletMarriage PreparationContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletCorrectional Centre Rona O'Gorman
bulletMarriage Annulment Process Contact Parish Office for more details.

St. Stephen's Parish Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee was formed to provide much-needed maintenance and aesthetic improvement to the old cemetery located on West Street next to the St. Stephen's Parish Gym.

This committee has been in place since 2007. To date, there has been some fund-raising and donations of topsoil and so on.

If you have any questions or wish to contribute to the Cemetery Improvement Fund, you can contact Chairperson Jessie Canning at (709) 643-4580

Click on the below pictures for viewing:

Office Closedn
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 30th, 2024 in recognition of “National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.”

Parish Priest
The Parish Priest will be away on retreat from Monday, October 8th to Friday, October 11th. There will be NO week day masses during this week.

Belvedere Orphanage Fund Inc
Each year the Board of Directors of the Belvedere Orphanage Fund Inc. informs parishes of the availability of assistance from the Fund for orphans/half-orphans who are in need. Applications are available at the Parish Office. More information can be found on the Bulletin Board at the Church entrance.

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus will be having their Council meeting on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at 8:00 pm.

Parkinson’s Support Group
The Parkinson’s Support Group will be meeting on Sunday, October 6th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Knights of Columbus Building. Care partners, family members and home care workers are welcome to attend.

Food Bank
Once again, we are asking for donations to our local food bank. As part of our Thanksgiving service we have a table in front of the Church where we ask you to place your charitable donations. We will be collecting up to October 14th. Thank you for your kindness.

Praying of the Rosary
Tuesday to Friday, praying of the Rosary will start 1/2 hour before Mass.

St. Stephen’s Parish
St. Stephen’s Parish is opened daily from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm for private prayer.

We are recruiting volunteers. A description of the different ministries can be found on the table at the Church entrance. Please take a copy and consider offering your services.