History of St.Stephen’s Parish
bulletKnights of Columbus Conrad Benoit, Grand Knight
Clyde Russell, 4th Degree Faithful Navigator
Bob Miller, 4th Degree District Master
bulletSt.Anne's GuildHilda Short, President
bulletSt.Stephen's Parish CouncilDebbie Wilton, Chairperson.

Regular meetings of the Parish Council are held on the third Wednesday of the month except July and August. Parishioners wishing to voice their comments or views to the parish council are advised they may do so by contacting any member of the council.
bulletBereavement CommitteeContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletBuilding & Maintenance CommitteeDebbie Wilton
bulletFinance ChairRosa Dollard
bulletDevelopment & Peace CommitteeJohn Hanratty
bulletLiturgical CommitteeBernice Maddox
bulletHospitality CommitteeContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletMinistry to the SickContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletFaith DevelopmentPeggy Snow
bulletReligious ArticlesContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletBaptism Preparation TeamContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletMarriage PreparationContact Parish Office for more details.
bulletCorrectional Centre Rona O'Gorman
bulletMarriage Annulment Process Contact Parish Office for more details.

St. Stephen's Parish Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee was formed to provide much-needed maintenance and aesthetic improvement to the old cemetery located on West Street next to the St. Stephen's Parish Centre.

This committee has been in place since 2007. To date, there has been some fund-raising and donations of topsoil and so on.

If you have any questions or wish to contribute to the Cemetery Improvement Fund, you can contact Chairperson Joe Eckert at (709) 643-3043

Click on the below pictures for viewing:

You are reminded of the NO PARKING areas in front of the church as per FIRE ZONE REGULATIONS. There are BLUE ACCESSIBILITY PARKING spaces available near the Church entrance.

Collection baskets
Collection baskets are returning starting February 1st, 2025. Baskets for the Offertory collection will again be used at Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses. The boxes at the Church entrance will be removed. Volunteers to pick up the collection are needed; please contact Debbie Wilton at 709-649-1958 if interested.

St. Anne’s Guild
St. Anne’s Guild will meet on Monday, January 20th, at 2:00 pm downstairs in the St. Anne’s Meeting Room. New members are welcome.

2025 Calendars
2025 Calendars can be purchased at the Parish Office.

Grief to Grace
We have been requested to announce a Five-day “Grief to Grace” program to be conducted in Kelowna, BC, from May 20th to 25th. For more information please email grieftogracekelowna@gmail.com or make a confidential call to 250-808-6403. This information will be posted on the bulletin board at the Church entrance.